What WolfGang Ultimate Needs To Do

we lost our game today against Porkbellies. i consider them as rivals because our record against them is 2 losses and 1 win. however, i am so frustrated and disappointed at the loss today because it was all our fault. we showed up late and didn’t warm up properly. we threw so many turnovers – our defensive fire was not there – our offense was sluggish and shaky. i’m going to clamp down at practice again. we can’t afford to joke around any longer.

we need to learn:

  • offense strategies
    • zone
    • vertical stack
    • horizontal stack
  • hard, intense defense
    • keeping the force (not getting broken)
    • marking intensely (shuffling back and forth)
    • dictating where we want our man to go

our team needs to show up to practice and give it our all. we need to build team chemistry and increase our ultimate skills. i’m really trying but how can i motivate my players? all i can do now is keep nudging and hoping.

Poor Sleep

I haven’t been sleeping too well recently ever since I moved back to my “old room.” I sleep on top bunk, in a small mattress fenced in by metal to stop myself from falling off. Every morning, my sister wakes up for school and makes a huge racket. She turns on the light – makes a shitload of noise. When my mom wakes up, she creates her own chaos. Sometimes she’ll yell at my sister – sometimes she’ll start fussing over everything. My mom is going insane. I know people say that about their parents all the time – but my mom is a workaholic. She is constantly stressed and lets the stress affect her life way too much.

New Website Launched

I just installed WordPress. I can see why many people use it – it is a very slick weblog application…

I started work at Verndale recently. It’s an interesting place – a small corporation. There’s much to learn and I’m pretty excited about my short career there.

My summer ultimate frisbee team is coming along. We have our second game this Thursday. First game was a win – let’s see if we can keep it up.