my first solo cross-country flight

i did my first solo cross-country flight today in a Cessna 162. i have not soloed in 5.5 months, and the last time was staying in the pattern (basically, 3 takeoffs and 3 landings at my home airport). i was at 93.5 hours total time and 237 landings.

i flew a short XC route that i’ve done before with my instructor, just 102 nautical miles roundtrip. aviation defines a flight as XC if there is a landing at least 50 nautical miles away from your point of departure.

i purposely chose the late afternoon because i knew the scenery is absolutely gorgeous then, especially nearing sunset. it’s hard to capture great photos in the air behind dirty plexiglass while flying a plane – but i tried.

when i rolled up to the runway to takeoff, i started shaking with adrenaline. i slowed my breathing and reminded myself to trust in my training. i took off without much issue although i did drift from the centerline.

i climbed to my target altitude of 4500 feet and headed towards KCLM, an untowered airport that is situated right by the ocean. on the way, i got hit with some turbulence from the mountain winds. i was expecting this from the forecast. as i approached the airport, a plane that had taken off was climbing into the same route that i was descending. i tried to spot them to no avail, and eventually was forced to do a right turn and fly towards the sea instead of gambling my life.

after that avoidance, i continued my descent into KCLM. i announced my intention on the radio: “Skycatcher 5689M, 5 miles out, straight in for runway 27.” after a few moments, i heard on the radio – “Army Copter landing on runway 9.”

i tensed up. they were going to land on the same runway as me but in the opposite direction. fresh on my mind was the mid-air collision just 1 month ago over the Potomac River near Reagan airport when a military helicopter crashed into a landing airliner. i never want to make the news in this flying hobby. luckily, i heard a followup on the radio: “Army Copter, we have you in sight, 89M – and will clear the runway before you land.” i spotted the black helicopter hovering lower and lower at the opposite end of the runway, and felt at ease again.

i landed, reconfigured the plane and ForeFlight on my iPad, and took off to return to my home airport KPAE. there were some strong winds coming off the mountains still, but less than before. on my way in, i asked ATC for the short runway on the far side of the airport so i had to cut across landing traffic. ATC advised me to stay at 2500 feet and to spot the traffic on my left. it took a while to find but eventually, i saw them about 500 feet below me at my 11 o’clock. we crossed and i was treated to an amazing fly-by of a landing Cessna… i wish i had a video of the moment but well, flying the plane and avoiding traffic is probably a smarter move than pulling out your camera.

i flared too high on my first landing attempt and had to go around (abort landing, full power, takeoff, fly the traffic pattern and try again).

on my second landing attempt, a bit of stress creeped in. there was no instructor to save me. even if i was tired and/or nervous, it was entirely up to me to get myself onto the ground safely. i breathed deep and remembered my training. a bit of cross wind, so point your ailerons into it, and then use rudder to point the noise. it was a butter landing.

on the drive home was when the feels really hit me. i started this flying journey partially because my dad flew helicopters in the Vietnam War, and my brother got his PPL a few years ago. it felt like a good way to connect with my family and aviation lineage. the 1st generation immigrant boy made it. he left the rough neighborhood he grew up in, went to college, built a career, started a family, and now flies simply for the joy of it. i felt so much gratitude for the fortunes bestowed upon me by the universe.

i used to have dreams of flying around like Superman. i always woke up feeling sad that i’d never be able to actually fly. but you know, being up in the skies in an aluminum can is probably the next best thing.

life’s short. i’m gonna keep making the most of every day, and that means finishing my PPL and taking to the skies every week.

here’s a video of my first-person view today:

2024 – living intentionally

when i started 2024, i thought of Chris Hemsworth. viewed from a distance, the man is living his best life – family, fame, fortune, sculpted body – he’s got it all. i watched his TV series Limitless and took inspiration where i could.

i thought at 35 years old, i should pivot to being a more responsible person. this started with reducing my alcohol and substance use – which freed up a lot of energy and time (surprising /s). i tried to eat and sleep better so i could be more productive each day. i thought about taking on big challenges and refusing to shrink my identity to just “husband and father.” i lived each day as if it was my last.

for the most part, i achieved what i wanted to. i’m proud to close this year having made significant strides in my goals and projects.

  • Jan – hosted Kevin and did a snowy winter hike
  • Feb – bought 2024 Kia Carnival (minivans rock), in-laws arrived from China in prep for baby Auggie’s arrival
  • Mar – Carmel, CA trip w/ Shawn & Karina
  • Apr – Sultan & Shepherd, Hasan Minhan, Anna Akana
  • May – work trip to our New Mexico datacenter, Shawn & Karina visit Seattle (i threw up on the sidewalk of Capital Hill, lol), started pilot training, Sarah McLachlan concert
  • Jun – Deception Pass camping w/ family friends
  • Jul – Sunbreak ultimate frisbee tournament (always an amazing time)
  • Aug – baby boy Auggie was born, start of 3mo paternity leave, Anjunadeep Open Air
  • Sep – lots of pickleball and flying
  • Oct – Hoang’s bachelor party in Chicago, family trip to Yosemite and visiting Shawn & Karina’s new house
  • Nov – back to work, family road trip through Washington DC and New York City, Hoang and Diana’s wedding in Boston
  • Dec – resumed climbing gym membership, family road trip to Victoria BC


  • grow with your children – there is a surge of energy that arrives with each child you are blessed with, and you can use that however you’d like. it can manifest in the form of a subtle panic that your life and hobbies are over, or as an opportunity to learn new hobbies that you can share with your children – maybe a little bit of both. your children will force the growth of your emotional intelligence and discipline (i mean, how else can you survive the onslaught of constant need and chaos and tantrums by undeveloped humans?). they won’t ask you whether you’re making progress in your side quests. that’s on you. i chose pickleball and flying.
  • enjoy your youth – this one should come as no surprise to anyone but my bad habits have finally caught up to me. i should have stretched more, hydrated more, gotten that nagging injury looked at, done more PT, eaten more salads and yogurt, etc. unless you’ve won the genetic lottery that has granted you godly powers of healing, listen to your body and treat it well because you only have one. it is much easier to maintain than to acquire – so get fit and stay fit.
  • flying is hard – i was hoping to get my Private Pilot License during my 3mo paternity leave but there were some recalls on the Cessna 162 fleet at my flight school that grounded the fleet and i lost a few weeks of flying opportunities. why not switch to another aircraft model? when you’re a student, you keep the same aircraft model to reduce the variables in your learning. currently, i’m at 82 hours flying hours and nearly at the end of stage 2 in my school’s PPL curriculum. there’s a lot of weather cancellations during this time of the year so progress is much slower, so i’ll likely get my license in the spring. the rule of thumb is that if you fly once a week, you merely maintain your skill level – so you need to fly 2-3 times a week to actually improve. schools will try to sell you on how fast they can get you through (notice the advertised $15k price tag if you finish within 60 hours). unless you’re a fulltime aspiring commercial pilot, finishing this quickly is unrealistic. my final cost – gear and training included – will be like $25k. that said, after i didn’t make my original goal, i changed my mindset to accept that this is a hobby and i don’t get too stressed from this longer timeline. more flying time with a CFI is also very useful because you simply will see different weather and scenarios, and that will greatly reduce your risk when you start flying solo. if you stay in general aviation (GA) long enough, you’ll hear some hairy stories and witness some yourself, and unfortunately, you’ll probably lose some people too. don’t get complacent and you’ll avoid becoming a statistic.
  • multigenerational households aren’t so bad – i’ve been living with my in-laws for a while now. they recently received their green cards, so they’ll be a mainstay in my house at least 6 months of every year (requirement to maintain USA GC). grandma especially has proven herself to be an indispensable member of the household. she’s the primary reason i’m able to enjoy so many hobbies even through the birth of my second child. it costs more to travel with help but the overhead is totally worth it. a bonus is that the children could learn a secondary language (Mandarin in my children’s case). i see fellow parents that don’t have help and they end up losing their hobbies because their kids consume all their time and energy. for the first few years, if you can make it work, take the help from family. you’re gonna pay a lot in childcare and mental health otherwise.
  • invest in the relationships you care about – figure out who your people are and commit. deep is better than shallow. it gets lonelier and lonelier as you age. as your friends start forming their families, you’ll hang out less often. American men struggle to get together regularly unless it’s under the pretense of an activity – and fatherhood makes it harder. don’t accept this reality and make excuses and start isolating yourself. keep making plans. keep reaching out. yes, there will be plenty of rejections and cancellations – but that’s just the messiness of complex lives trying to sync up. getting together will be worth it, i promise you.

i hope y’all have a great 2025. gl hf.

2023 – a year of dilemma and forced growth

this past year has been a struggle between adjusting to domestic life and the churn at work. there are definitely highlights but the lowlights were pretty low.

some of the places i got to visit and the events i got to witness this year:

  • Jan – Shawn and Karina’s engagement party in San Francisco
  • Mar – San Diego with Fan, Sunni, Jenn (sister), Paul (her boyfriend)
  • May – Montreal for Danny’s bachelor party
  • Jul – Banff camping with Fan, Sunni, Jenn, Paul
  • Aug – Mt Rainier camping with Jess, Jarod, Izzy
  • Sep – London for work (bless up for business class)
  • Oct – Sedona, AZ for Scotty’s bachelor party
  • Nov – Charlotte, NC for Danny’s wedding (I was a groomsman)
  • Nov – Bay Area, CA for work presentation, but brought Fan and Sunni
  • Dec – Cartagena, Colombia for Shawn and Karina’s wedding (I was best man <3), Hoang and Diana’s engagement
  • Dec – Costa Rica for family roadtrip with Fan and Sunni

Fan’s mom left at the end of February, and i used the last of my paternity leave to bridge the gap until Sunni started daycare in April. my life situation finally moved out of the transition period afforded by grandma, and it was painful. that first week, i literally developed high blood pressure from the sudden uptick in constant attention required to take care of an 11mo baby.

over the coming months, i felt like i was losing control of my life. there’s a strong correlation between happiness and the amount of freedom/autonomy you expect in your life. notice the verb i used – expect – as i’m sure previous generations will laugh at how easy i have it, and scoff at my minimal sacrifices. regardless, my reality is my reality and the adjustment was difficult for me.

becoming a parent was my choice and i have no regrets. my underdeveloped muscles of impulse control, familial obligation, and parenting were stress tested. it did get bad enough that i landed back in therapy, which thankfully saved my marriage and family. once again, please pay attention to your mental health and get help when you need it.

here are my learnings from the year. i hope they are useful in easing other people’s journeys.

  • be kind to yourself. this phrase gets repeated and repackaged so often that i mostly dismissed it. there are so many angles to deliver this kindness – materially, financially, emotionally. since i usually treat myself to whatever i wanted to eat or do, i thought i was being kind to myself. it was only in the depths of my unhappiness speaking again to a therapist that i realized i was unkind to myself emotionally. there was so much judgment and people pleasing in how i was living my life. my validation seeking manifested in behaviors that i had come to accept as normal: party until my body felt bad because others expect me to be fun, give my time and energy generously otherwise someone won’t like me, be a high performer at work otherwise i won’t be respected. the stress of it all came crashing down when i developed shingles in the fall. that was my body signaling to me that it had had enough, that i needed to change how i was living my life.
  • emotionally prepare for parenting. there’s the technical skills you need to develop – changing diapers, washing bottles, preparing food – but i personally think the emotional skills are harder to develop. can you provide the constant care and attention a toddler requires whilst regulating your energy and emotions? i recommend spending some time with parents and their children so you can observe what family life is life. start small by helping out at the playground or at a playdate, and then take on the kid solo for a few hours.
  • aim for a passing grade each day. Fan likes to emotionally self-flagellate when it comes to her parenting. in response, i remind her that out of the 100 decisions each day presents, she simply needs to make enough correct choices to get a passing grade. did you serve breakfast on time? did you give comfort when your kid hurt themselves? did you serve lunch on time? did you stay engaged during playtime? did you serve dinner on time? were you off your phone during bathtime?
  • get signoff from your partner on travel plans. this probably seems like relationship 101, but there is an expectations shift when a child joins the family. each weekend away from your family means your partner is solo with the kid. must you attend that bachelor party? that business trip? that camping trip? sometimes you can trade weekends like she can do 1 bachelorette party and you’ll do 1 bachelor party. communicate often and negotiate early.
  • continue dating your partner. life gets more complicated and compressed when you start a family. it’s easy to deprioritize 1-on-1 time with your partner in the hectic day-to-day, and weeks turn into months, and “suddenly” you are emotionally/romantically distant. entropy means everything in the universe decays over time, and your relationship is no exception.

12 pieces of advice for new parents

this list of advice is mostly in chronological order.

  1. do not make any major life decisions in first few months of baby – the potent mix of emotions that run through you (and hormones if you are the birthing mom) can increase impulsiveness to a dangerous degree. as an example, i drove from the hospital to the car dealership while my child was in the NICU to test drive an impractical sports car. why would my family need such a vehicle? get all your ducks in a row before the birth.
  2. use a charting app for the first year – i was recommended Huckleberry and am continuing it forward. just the free version is enough and delivers plenty of value. it really helps coordination between the caretakers and lets you track trends, especially important with your sleep-addled mind.
  3. take all the help you can get – my daughter is now 13 months old. the wife and i were lucky to have grandma contribute immensely during the first 11 months, so we’ve really been on our own just the last 2 months. baby recently started daycare so we’re back to getting help in a way. the structure and expectations of modern society kinda goes against the adage “it takes a village to raise a child.” the correlation of declining birth rates in more industrialized nations has a lot to be explored. in my experience, the geographic distance between extended families and the social distance between neighbors can create bad feelings of isolation, resentment, and burnout. if a parent is willing to come help, let them.
  4. buy help / outsource work – in economics, we learn about a concept named opportunity cost. the way i apply it: if i make sufficient money, i can outsource unfulfilling tasks. right now, that means:
    • we have a maid service monthly because cleaning isn’t high on our to-do list.
    • we subscribe to a local meal service for the weekdays because cooking isn’t appetizing at end of a work day.
  5. find parent friends – being at the vanguard of parenthood among my close group of friends, your life rhythm no longer matches your non-parent and single friends. going to a restaurant? make sure they have high chairs. go out on the weekend? you gotta find a babysitter. have multiple drinks? you’re not gonna be able to wake up to take care of your baby. there’s nothing wrong with people being on different life tracks – but humans are a social species and you’ll want company along whatever track you choose.
  6. be prepared for a consistent schedule – your schedule must accommodate baby. after 6 months when they develop a circadian rhythm, the daily schedule becomes fairly consistent. for a late owl chronotype like me, waking up early every morning has sucked. tips to survive this marathon: take naps with baby, avoid alcohol and substances, eat healthy.
  7. get 1 day’s supply of baby bottles/utensils – you will be washing a lot of bottles and dishes and whatnot. your hands will get dry. your energy will sap each time you’re forced to find a bottle in the sink and wash it for immediate use. use batching here to optimize: clean the sink once at the end of every night (handwash using gloves or throw everything in the dishwasher).
  8. don’t fight your baby – you’ll learn a lot about yourself emotionally as you deal with an undeveloped human. your standard rules of engagement won’t apply. you can’t reason with them because that part of their brain literally isn’t developed yet. if you feel like you’re about to break, do not push through. give your child a timeout and yourself a breather. the rule of thumb is 1 minute per year of age. so if they’re crying nonstop and you can’t handle it anymore, just put them into their crib and walk away.
  9. become okay with repetition and ennui – this might just apply to me, who gets bored easily. the daily grind of diaper changes, setup and cleanup for 3 meals, and nightly bathtime gets annoying. your discipline builds as a side effect… but i still find it annoying enough to wonder if i should hire a nanny or au pair for subsequent children.
  10. strive for good enough parenting – honestly, modern society creates all these unfair expectations of parents. anything short of perfect is child abuse. give me a break. kids are much more resilient than we give them credit for. keep them clothed and fed. engage with them every day. teach them new skills. socialize them. don’t put them in an overprotective bubble. don’t feel like you need to kill yourself trying to get them the best possible toys or daycare or education. “the kids will be alright.” grow with them and give yourself grace. take the small daily wins, like:
    • you didn’t shake your baby when she continually cried and did flips on the changing table making the diaper change impossible.
    • you didn’t throw a tantrum in response to your kid’s tantrum.
    • they got zero new injuries.
    • they took all their shits at daycare.
  11. maintain your habits and hobbies – you will have to sacrifice some habits and hobbies – but you should be able to schedule the rest around baby. exercise is crucial for health. you’ll want to stay as healthy as possible because if one person gets sick, who does the work fall onto? my wife does tennis every Monday and Wednesday night, i do bouldering every Tuesday and Thursday night, and we spend weekends together.
  12. bring your baby around – i suffered from the fallacy that going outside with baby is way too difficult, so i should just stay at home all the time. don’t be an idiot like i was. it will be difficult going out with baby initially but as with any skill, you’ll improve with practice. the benefits are manyfold: baby gets socialization, new experiences for all her 5 senses, and burns energy faster. go to the grocery store, to the mall, to the playground, wherever. even flying with baby isn’t as hard as i thought since most airlines will baggage check baby seats and gate check strollers for free.

2022 – welcome to fatherhood

i didn’t write a post for 2021 but no matter because it was all gearing up for 2022 anyways. i’ll split this update into 2 parts: timeline and learnings.

  • Jan – started new job at Meta after a grueling interview season
  • Feb – grandma arrives from China to help with baby
  • Mar – my first child and daughter Sunniva was born
  • Apr – injured my lower back yet again and got official diagnosis of degenerative disc disease (DDD), overnight bouldering trip for Minaqa’s birthday
  • May – night nurse for baby
  • June – picked up my Rivian R1T 8 months after preorder
  • July – covid infection, Sunbreak-ish, George & Amy visit, Becca and Mike’s wedding, Above & Beyond Weekender w/ siblings and SOs
  • Aug – mom and dad visit, first time offroading, overnight camping for Jess’s birthday, another round of couples therapy begins
  • Sept – PT for my back brought me back to game-ready shape so i could continue playing ultimate, London and Dublin for work (business class for the first time 🤩)
  • Oct – DFW datacenter visit for work, honeymoon period for new company ends, body is tired from all the travel and drinking
  • Nov – grind at work to a near burnout, Thanksgiving in Hawaii gets canceled due to RSV infection
  • Dec – marriage stabilized, Lizzie visits for Xmas, hanging around the house and focusing on family

the year unfolded mostly to plan and yielded the results i wanted.

deep down, i knew change needed to happen because my trajectory wasn’t great. perhaps my family and i presented fine to the outside world – but the cracks in the foundation were threatening to tear it all apart. i was hoping that the arrival of my first child would force a course correction, and the gamble paid off. i spent months wrestling with my immaturity and bad habits until i was able to convince myself to become a better man, husband, father. i don’t recommend this risky behavior but i am admitting it for what it was.

so what nuggets of wisdom do i have for us?

  • improvement happens day by day. intensity matters for competition, but the way to get there is by practicing every day. i’ll give you the practical: spaced repetition + good sleep = results. i’ve used this formula to achieve success in many arenas. the most recent one is job interviewing. there are many more detailed posts on how to crack the coding interview, but the gist of it is that you do some coding problems daily and build that mental muscle. unless you are a genius, there is no shortcut that enables you to skate by just studying on the weekends. commit to the daily practice and the results will come.
  • admit to your bad habits and evolve past them. seek professional help if necessary. the beauty of life is each organism strives towards a perfection that can never be achieved. each generation constructs its own ideal of perfection and thus, perfection is a moving target – but it is a target nonetheless. the deadline of life is an amazing forcing function that generates change and evolution.
  • don’t use your family as an excuse. i suppose this is one instance of “don’t be a victim.” great persons have come and gone, and many of them have had children. they made their situation work. use the constraint to your advantage. feeling like you’re out of time? Parkinson’s Law applied beneficially is called timeboxing. feeling like you’re out of energy? understand your chronotype and schedule work appropriately. feeling like you’re out of motivation? saddle yourself with a bunch of debt. i mostly jest, but obligations can be a source of motivation. find a purpose that can drive you – family, fame, success, mastery, whatever.
  • invest in yourself, continuously. i’m a fan of nonfiction audiobooks, especially autobiographies. the human experience gets better with each generation due to the compound interest paid by reuse of knowledge. leverage all that condensed human experience so you can adjust your trajectory. as a personal example, reading about abusive upbringings forces me to reckon with mine – and then work to expel the toxic behaviors from my personality and life.
  • a job is a job is a job. don’t sacrifice your health for your company, especially if you have no ownership. try this mental exercise to understand the wealth that you possess and live in: how far are you from becoming homeless if you stopped working? include all the favors and relationships you can leverage. include all the governmental safety nets like unemployment. if you realize that most of your labor is simply generating all these layers of luxury and comfort, you can mindfully choose how fast you want to set the treadmill of work.
  • do financial planning whenever your life circumstances change. i conflate financial planning with retirement planning because it’s about understanding how your finances support your expected lifespan. there are a lot of plenty of free resources out there; maybe start in /r/personalfinance if you know nothing. you might be interested in FIRE. start grappling with questions like: what is my ideal retirement age? what lifestyle do i want to have? are my children still dependent on me? what if my partner or i die early? the pandemic made me realize i want to work for a while and maintain a sense of purpose, so i’m personally aiming for retirement when all my children have left the nest… probably 2042.
  • hope for the best, plan for the worst. Meta had its first layoffs ever this year. reading the online discourse via internal Workplace and external Blind, it was a bit pitiful to see the rose-colored glasses shatter across so many young employees. companies come and go, even unicorns. the gravy train will eventually stop so ride it while you can :)

summer reading list for you

i’ve been following a goal of 1 book a month for the past several years, and it’s improved my life tremendously. here are some of my favorite reads.

  • Bob Martin – Clean Code – i was worried old wisdom wouldn’t apply to the speed of tech, but i was proven wrong – this book truly made me a better coder
  • Martin Kleppmann – designing data-intensive applications – everyone recommends it, and rightly (especially if you’re interviewing for an SDE role)
  • frederick brooks – the mythical man-month – amazing essays on software engineering
  • Cal Newport – so good they can’t ignore you – a good reminder of what it means to be ‘talent’ and deliver market value
  • Cal Newport – Deep Work – emphasis on reducing context switching, increasing focus/flow, a bit repetitive so free summary
  • tim snyder – on tyranny – super short read, always useful to know the danger signs to look out for
  • brene brown – dare to lead – how to show up in life and work more authentically
  • Antonio Garcia Martinez – Chaos Monkeys – an entertaining retelling of a portion of the guy’s life, sheds some light on tech startup and early Facebook
  • Chris Voss – never split the difference – excellent book on how to negotiate
  • Angela Duckworth – Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance – great message but book too long
  • kepner-tregoe – the rational manager – highly-effective theories and methods for decision-making
  • Ray Dalio – Principles – generally good life and business advice (e.g. radical transparency, idea meritocracy)
  • Michelle Alexander – the new Jim Crow – how and why America is racist
  • Kendi X. Ibram – How to be antiracist – build empathy for the black body and culture, and how to be an ally
  • Isabel Wilkerson – Caste – helps understand the roots behind caste/class/race systems

2020 – celebrating humanity

we should start by acknowledging this year was tougher than most due to the COVID-19 pandemic. at a macro level, millions died – unemployment spiked – many events were canceled – lockdowns rippled throughout the world. everyone was forced to react daily to an unwelcoming reality. we got new words like “doomscrolling” and “Zooming” and “TikTok dance.”

i feel very fortunate for…

  • my cushy job… big tech was an industry that boomed rather than suffered due to the virus.
  • access to health care… i managed to test multiple times this year which opened up opportunities for travel and socializing.
  • none of my family or close friends caught the virus… people listened to the science and honored our social contracts.

here’s my abbreviated timeline:

  • Jan – Throwback ultimate frisbee tournament with BU alumni
  • Feb – housewarming party
  • Mar – got 4 chickens; the always-on Zoom call begins
  • Apr – ??? (lol, lost month due to lockdowns)
  • May – Power Hour Zoom with BU; Simone’s going-away party; Shawn’s going-away party
  • Jun – sister and her boyfriend joins my house quaranteam; BLM protests; KartRider crew starts up
  • Jul – camping trip in Montana with Fan, Minaqa, Jarod
  • Aug – hiked the Enchantments; traded MINI Cooper for Tesla Model Y; Kartik & Grumbles visited; evicted this scammer/squatter from my Bellevue apt; formed an investment LLC with the siblings
  • Sep – lakehouse in Maine; got 4 parakeets
  • Oct – Jarod, Shawn, Kyle visited for Halloween
  • Nov – studied for and failed Google interview
  • Dec – Boston to visit friends and family; got an iPhone

Some reflections:

  • Being judgmental and inflexible will generate unhappiness in your life. I realized how much my non-acceptance of situations and people led me to spiral into bitterness. It starts in the trivial things – like being annoyed that Fan didn’t clean up the kitchen – to consequential things like my coworkers not supporting my ideas. I watched this video on Taoism which really resonated: the faster/harder you try to move in water, the more effort you must exert; if you move slowly, you will still make change but with less effort. If we think about the “river of life,” the obvious suggestion is that you should go with the flow as much as possible. To force myself to be more adaptive and expand my perspective, I switched from Android to iPhone (after like a decade of Android). I learned to appreciate both platforms and can switch between the 2 easily now.
  • You have so much more potential than you think. Even with my growth mindset, I had settled into my rhythm as a software engineer. I was reading books but I had stopped pushing my intellectual limits. When a Google recruiter came calling, my ambition received a shock and I started trying hard again. (For those not in the know, Google is more prestigious and pays more than Microsoft.) In prep for the interview, I studied computer science (data structures, algorithms, and system design) for a month. The dedication to a singular pursuit was both frustrating and refreshing. I didn’t get the job but I did better than I expected. The experience reminded me that many paths are open to us if we keep our eyes open and are willing to put in the work. Special thanks to Fan, Brendan, and Shuang who supported me during this attempt.
  • In difficult times, you know who your true friends are. The people that reach out without an agenda. The people you spend hours on Zoom with. The people who patiently listen to your rants and explain why you shouldn’t act on whatever whim is on your mind at the moment. The people that are willing to take risks with you.
  • Leadership is about who cares the most. The leader of a team or group doesn’t have to be the “strongest” or “smartest.” Usually, it’s the person who most wants the team to be successful. Creating the correct culture is paramount for team cohesion, which then fuels collaboration and innovation. A popular phrase is “servant leader” – and I believe in that ideal. It’s fairly obvious to spot shitty leadership but less so competent leadership. When a team is working well, look closer to find out why. Who’s putting forth the cultural ideals? Who is starting the tough conversations? Who is ensuring every team member feels respected, included, and valued?

finally, here are some books i really enjoyed this year:

  • Vicki Robin – Your Money or Your Life
  • Kendi X. Ibram – How to be antiracist
  • Isabel Wilkerson – Caste
  • Tim Snyder – On Tyranny
  • Cal Newport – So Good They Can’t Ignore You

2019 – a rollercoaster year

let’s start with the highlights chronologically, and then we’ll dive deeper into some topics.

  • Jan – Lei Out tournament with BU alumni; began strict exercise and diet plan in prep for EDC
  • Feb – assistant coach for UW Women’s B team; started couples therapy with Fan
  • Mar – visited Vikram in Austin, TX; visited Tracy in San Francisco, CA; started new hobby of climbing
  • Apr – visited my sister in New York City
  • May – attended EDC with a massive crew; failed tryouts for club ultimate
  • Jun – attended Laya & Saulo’s wedding in Charlotte; visited Boston; joined the “century club” of Harvard Stairs
  • Jul – KG visited; played in Sunbreak ultimate tourney; Boston friends visited
  • Aug – vacation in Vietnam & China; second wedding in Fan’s hometown of Guangzhuo
  • Sep – got a difficult promotion at work to Senior Engineer; attended EZoo; attended 4th ANAL Conference
  • Oct – Fan passed green card interview; Bon Iver concert in Boston
  • Nov – GAIA ultimate frisbee tournament in Japan w/ Jet Lag Squad; undefeated regular league season with Mystery Machine
  • Dec – started new role at Microsoft; purchased a house in Redmond

Every year, I make new year resolutions/goals like other people do. As a point of pride though, I manage to achieve most of my goals. Important goals for me were:

  • Max 401k, IRAs, and HSA. Being financially stable and safe is important. I am very fortunate to be able to live a very good life while still saving for retirement.
  • Read 1 book a month. With the help of Libby, I managed to listen to a bunch of audiobooks – 18 total for the year.
  • Get promotion at work. For those familiar with Microsoft compensation levels, I am doing well with a promo every 2 years. I started at L59 and am now at L63. It’s going to be much harder from here on out though.
  • Get ripped by EDC. I started the year at 170 pounds and managed to drop to 155 pounds for EDC. I learned a lot about exercise and diet, and developed more discipline.

Some reflections:

  • Don’t accept a shitty reality. When I was feeling fat, I did research – made a plan – and executed. When I no longer enjoyed my current job, I did research – made a plan – and executed. It is surprising to me when people complain about their situations and 6 months later, nothing has changed. You’re responsible for your own life and happiness.
  • Failures can be blessings in disguise. For most of my life, I avoided failure and rejection. Not making an ultimate club team in Seattle 2 summers in a row got me down, but then I came to realize the free time that was given back to me. I started a new hobby of climbing and felt healthier than ever (it’s less impact on my back). Whenever you look back at failures, you’ll see that usually they are inflection points in your life before good change happens.
  • Invest in emotional growth. Fan and I had a major fight early in the year – it was so bad that divorce was on the table. Luckily, I talked to the older colleagues at work and got a bunch of good advice. I found out that Microsoft offers free therapy sessions so we started couples therapy. We unraveled some of the deep fears and issues that manifested as bad behavior and habits. I am continuing therapy because the work is not done. I talk openly about therapy because I’d like to end the stigma. You go to a physical therapist when your body is injured. Why can’t you go to an emotional therapist when your mind is injured?
  • Recognize your role in society. As a member of society on the cusp of starting a family, I realized the opportunity that lays before me: I can stop centuries of bad culture and history from perpetuating. My upbringing by traditional parents who suffered through war and economic instability produced a boy with a lot of emotional baggage. Some concrete examples:
    • I don’t understand lightheartedness in a romantic context well. If a fight occurs, it is difficult for me to pause and inject some humor into a situation to defuse it. Learning to de-escalate is crucial in relationships.
    • I do not treat my wife as an equal. My parents are always telling me to basically “control my woman” and maintain the patriarchy. I did this underhandedly by controlling her via economic means (I make more money so she has to listen to me), via legal means (I am her bridge to permanent residency in America), and via emotional means (I pressure her to join my social networks instead of making efforts to connect with hers). The harsh truth I had to accept was that even as I championed for equality across all genders and races, I struggled to implement it at home. But now that acceptance has happened, I can move forward to a better future.
  • Enjoy the journey, not the destination. This is cliche as hell but it is so true. As a first-generation immigrant, you’re taught to grind nonstop until you reach the destination. Sure, it’s useful for achieving goals – but the only thing that awaits you at the end is more goals. When you achieve a goal, celebrate it! Bask in the glory for a second instead of immediately pondering what the next goal is. Think carefully when choosing between work and missing out on an event because work will always be there.

This post is getting long so I’ll stop here. Comment if you want me to elaborate on anything.

on having a strong locus of control

let me start by linking you to you’re welcome to peruse that before you read my reflections on it.

i was introduced to this concept during orientation of college. as you can imagine, it’s had quite an effect on me since then. whenever someone’s shit is going sideways, i annoyingly ask them if they feel like they could have avoided some situation or prevent future recurrences. do you have a strong locus of control? i realized that there’s another way to phrase my advice: don’t be a victim.

it seems that in recent years, my relationships with people are starting to strain because i cannot tolerate the victim mentality. i’m not saying it’s easy to pull yourself out of the fucking gutter. i’m literally still going to therapy to undo the childhood trauma imposed by my parents. somewhere along the way, i realized that i was painting this victim narrative where my parents oppressed me so much and now i’m so broken – woe is me – and so forth. that realization shattered my self-imposed emotional walls. i decided i am more than my pain and past. my parents were victims of the Vietnam War and their scars were about to be permanently impressed on me. i choose actively to stop the cycle. i will create a better environment around me for those i call my friends and family. i will fight for a bright future for my children, and create a safe and loving family culture.

back to my friends going through tough times. at the risk of this blog post turning into an advice column, allow me to use real life examples (names changed for privacy):

  • John got into an accident recently. Someone on the highway tried to change lanes and swiped his side. I empathized for a minute and then asked him: “do you think you could have avoided this situation? you’ve gotten into 5 accidents in the past 2 years. understandably, none of them were your fault – but your chance of accidents is higher than usual.” John got very upset at me and we got into an argument. He decided to start distancing himself from me – and we stopped speaking months ago. John, what is more likely: you are a sub-par driver that is susceptible to accidents or you are constantly getting terrorized by shitty drivers on the road?
  • Michael fell in love with a friend. When she rejected his romantic interest and started dating another friend in the group, Michael broke. He decided to never see or speak to these 2 good friends ever again because he felt betrayed. He created a wedge in the group because friends can’t simply hang out together in one big bunch. He created friction because you’re not allowed to speak to him about any events that involve the newly-formed couple. Michael, how long will you hold onto your hurt and victimhood? In the game of life – and especially the game of love, you will inevitably lose many rounds. Is the relationship actively ruining your life in some way? What is more likely: all these potential lovers don’t see how great you are, or you are simply not good enough?

to close out, i hope that you, my dear reader, embraces that you have free will – or the illusion of free will (if you want to get real philosophical) – and that is good enough. forge your path through life intentionally. your decisions and thinking should yield happiness and meaning for you. no one else will do it for you. if you choose passivity, do not complain when you are left behind.

on productivity in a society

when i was a bright-eyed snot-filled kid fresh out of college in my first real job at a support cubicle farm in Microsoft, one of my senior engineers complained to me about future generations not generating enough content but merely consuming it. his words stuck with me for the next 6 years and added to my ever-persistent anxiety. am i creating enough content? is my cohort worthy of inheriting the world?

i finally have the answer today: we are worthy. each and every one of us is worthy. people advance through life at their own pace and rhythm. don’t be quick to judge someone’s value or legacy before they are on their deathbed.

in my twenties, i did not create content. i didn’t read a lot. i didn’t write a lot. i didn’t play or make music. i didn’t take enough photos or videos – and that’s okay. i was a mere child and my social duty was to absorb knowledge and culture. i felt like i didn’t know enough so i simply didn’t output anything.

that last statement is not entirely true. my output was not null. i held a job and contributed to society by keeping email working. i maintained friendships. my relationships created a feedback loop wherein i became a better person under their guidance and vice versa. i would argue that a person that does not create content, specifically media to be consumed via one of the human senses, can still be a productive member of society.

for me, the shame and guilt has finally lifted. even if i never write a bestselling novel or take a picture that lasts through decades, i have contributed to society and will continue doing so in my own ways.

millennials, gen-x’ers, and whatever generations are to come: i’ve already given you the answer in bold font in the second paragraph so go re-read it. and then read it again.