The Hidden Price of Education

as you get more educated, you start to see the world in more clarity. but at what price? the side effect of gaining knowledge seems to be that you also gain apathy.

for me, it seems that as you ascend the education ladder, or rather the pyramid, you have less and less people to communicate with. as your knowledge of the world increases, you actually start to feel disillusioned. once you start gaining insights on how things and people work, everything becomes less mysterious, less interesting. though that kind of seems like what we humans do – pry and prod until we’re no longer curious. when it comes to people, we experiment with each other, study the effects, and form theories – so everyone does psychology. i’m not saying we’ll ever get to a point where we can predict each other – or at least, i think a professor once said it’s impossible due to the random nature of electrons – but i suppose we can start guessing people’s behaviors better. that must be where this whole idea of wisdom comes from – live a long life and you’ll start to know and understand the patterns. or become a psychologist and try to gain as much insight as you can.

so what was the inspiration for this post? the realization that i have started viewing people more and more like computer systems: a sophisticated machine that reacts to interrupts (emails, wall posts, text messages, etc.). a friend that majors in psychology says he also can’t help but view people through the lens of some psychoanalysis. but i suppose it’s all okay – just drink real hard and you won’t have enough brainpower to view anyone through any lens, hahaha.